LED SuperLocker 3.0

LED SuperLocker 3.0
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from $ 1695.00

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LED SuperLocker 3.0

The SuperLocker 3.0 LED Grow Box, featuring a Kind LED Grow Light, is an award winning LED grow cabinet. The perfect choice for growing in grow boxes or any comparably sized confined space. It took years to find the right LED company to feature in our perfected LED Grow Box. The Kind K3 Series L300 is comprised of 3 Watt LED’s with a proprietary spectrum made for flowering large yields while consuming approximately 1/2 the electricity of HID grow lights and producing virtually no heat. This makes this growbox run quieter (less fans), cooler, and more energy efficiently than any other LED grow box on the market today.

The LED Grow Box is the Award Winning Complete Automated Hydroponic Cabinet System, that Comes with Everything You Need to Effectively Grow Indoors.

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