Growing Cannabis
You should always first start growing your cannabis plants indoors in a warm, favourable environment, and only once the plant has fully established itself and has a good set of leaves, should it be moved outdoors. Soil based mediums work best for outdoor cultivation, while hydroponic based mediums work best for primarily indoor based cultivation. It is important to consider the different mediums and to choose carefully to ensure that you grow healthy and lush cannabis plants.
Growing outdoor
Outdoor growing is the most traditional method of growing cannabis, and has been kept almost the same in thousands of years. Depending on the strain of cannabis you wish to grow, growing cannabis outdoor can be a tricky thing to get right; however, with practice this can become a lot easier. In the Northern hemisphere the best time to grow is between April or May until October, whereas the Southern hemisphere will most likely start in September/October.
Read more about outdoor growing
Growing indoor
Growing cannabis indoors is one of the most popular methods of growing nowadays, especially with unpredictable climates and weather. By growing cannabis indoors you can ensure that all of the elements are right for your plant to produce a decent harvest. Before you even consider indoor growing, however, you should do your research. Make sure you understand the basics of growing cannabis indoors, the equipment you're going to need and any issues that may arise along the way.