Thermometer & hygrometer

Thermometer & hygrometer
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from $ 11.78

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Thermometer & hygrometer

This Ventilution indoor thermometer with hygrometer does not only show the actual temperature and humidity, but also the highest and the lowest value within a period defined by you. That's how the HH439 makes a precise documentation and a professional and accurate climate control indoors. This is essentially necessary for a successful cultivation and a rich crop.

The external cord with its almost 3 metres long cord you can easily change places to measure, for example direcly above the tops of the plants, while the device itself is stored aside.
The thermo-hygrometer with external sensor is ca. 13.5 cm high and ca. 7.5cm wide.

Temperature range indoor: -10° to 50° C
outdoor: -50° to 70° C

Indoor hygrometer range: 25% RH to 98% RH

Use a 1.5 Volt AA battery for the device.



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