Regular cannabis seeds


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  • THC percentage: 10% - 15%
  • Yield: Large
  • Plant height: Average


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By doing your research and comparing the prices of regular cannabis seeds you'll be able to find the plant you want to grow in no time.

Read more about regular cannabis strains

  • AK-48


    AK-48 seeds are easy to germinate, make sure to place them in big pots to give the roots all the room they need to become a healthy strong plant. It won't grow tall but the production of buds can be really potential.
    • Genetics: Mostly Indica
    • Grow difficulty: Easy to grow
    • Flowering time: Average
    $ 2.05 a piece
  • Early Misty

    Early Misty

    Early Misty is an early flowering version of her sister White Widow. Early Misty is a strong outdoor variety, growing into one main stem.
    • Genetics: Mostly Indica
    • Grow difficulty: Easy to grow
    • Flowering time: Short
    $ 2.90 a piece