Grow room temperature

Grow room temperature

Cannabis grow room temperatureThose who are planning on growing cannabis in their own grow room will already have plenty of things to consider on their list; from picking the right seeds to ensuring maximum ventilation. High up on that list of things to consider, however, will be the growroom temperature and also the humidity. Finding the right temperature and humidity balance is a vital key in making sure your plants grow well and yield as much as they should be. Understanding the importance of grow room temperature & humidity is the first step in growing an amazing harvest. Humidity is the amount of air vapor present in the air, as a gas, and you'll normally see the figures as a percentage. As temperature increases, so does the humidity, as higher temperatures allow for more water vapor in the air. Getting the right balance of growroom temperature and humidity is key if you want to see your plants thrive, without letting in disease due to higher levels of humidity.

The perfect temperature for cannabis grow room stages

If you're looking for the right grow room temperature & humidity then there are a few things you need to bear in mind; what stage are the plants in, how big is the growroom and how protected are your plants from disease. There are a range of optimal temperatures and humidity levels for each stage of growing, different plant types and grow room sizes, however, let's take a look at the most common temperature for grow room and humidity suggestions. The perfect temperature for cannabis grow room stages are as follows: up to 90 degrees at seedling stage, between 70-80 degrees for the vegetative stage and between 50-70 for the flowering stage. The grow room temperature & humidity should work well together at these levels, to prevent disease and create a strong harvest.